

  • mdo  BRAHI
  •   About
  •   January 15, 2023

Brahi Label founded in 2022.

"Extradimensional space is a theoretical concept in physics and cosmology that refers to the idea that our observable universe may be just one of many possible universes or dimensions beyond our own. The concept of extradimensional space is a topic of ongoing research and debate within the scientific community. Some theories, such as string theory, propose the existence of extra dimensions in addition to the familiar three spatial dimensions and one time dimension of our observable universe. However, the existence of extra dimensions is currently not supported by any direct observational evidence, and it remains an active area of research in theoretical physics."

We would like to provide a space like the extra dimensions in our world. Every artist in the small recesses of our busy world deserves to find themselves and give voice to it. Style doesn't matter. It's a matter of taste and it's changing like you. What matters is only the extra that lives in us. That connects us and the dimensions in space and time.

Contact us atĀ info @ brahi.net

Andras, Aki, Adam

    © 2022 Brahi Records